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Monday, June 30, 2008


Free is always good, isn’t it. Make Money for Free is even better in my point of view.

Today I will talk about a Free way to make money and for make your reading irresistible I added a Free Gift for you at the end of the Article.

Are you using MySpace ? Ever visited MySpace ? NO ? You left good money at the table without even knowing it.Social Network Websites like MySpace or Facebook are one off the best Free money making opportunities today in time.

But like any other form of Online business you have to bear in mind that the driving force behind all your activities should be “helping people by providing valuable information’s”.

If you are willing to help people with their problems you build trust, and when people trust you, they are listening what you have to say, and when they trust and listen they buy what you recommend to them.

But all this “guru” blabla will not get you anywhere if you are not relevant.

So what is RELEVANCY ? Simply linking the right crowd to the right product. Would you offer “natural remedies” to a group of people interested in “tattoo’s” ? I dont believe so.Relevancy is King and MySpace is offering you the clients on a silver platter. In MySpace you find groups of people with common interests.

Or in other words “crowds” or “target groups” or NICHES. At MySpace you have many easy ways to promote your stuff (if done correctly). It’s Free and you can join any group and become “one of them”, then, after you have the above mentioned trust, offering something they need or is useful to resolve some problem.

But let’s be clear about one thing. Don’t spam in MySpace, they have overhauled their Interface to detect and exclude spammers quickly, after you get blocked your chances are gone.

As well be honest with what you tell to people, they can “read minds” and if you are superficial or not trustworthy they will get that instantly and your goal of building trust is gone.

MySpace is not a Advertising Website, it’s a Social Network Site, so use it the way it is and don’t try to be smarter then MySpace.

To give you a little help I have a Free Report for you from my friend Ryan Moran. Ryan is the guy behind Spacebankers and just released a Update about his new Spacebankers project, showing you how to cash in with MySpace after their latest changes. It’s really not hard and anyone can do this.

This report is brand new and you can download it for Free. I don’t ask your e-mail, no strings to get it. Just click on the link, download a copy and read it.

Get your Free PDF copy here.

I promise to you that this will open your eyes about what a great opportunity MySapce offers for you makeing money, and it’s absolutely Free to join.

Thanks for your attention


Perhaps the idea of making hundred dollars a day appeals to you if you’re nine to five it every day. Makes me think about all the people taking that morning train from Bekasi to Jakarta for the daily grind and then back home again on the path. Does the idea of not having to work like a dog appeal do you?

I started internet marketing about one years ago selling an eBook I bought online with resale rights. I would send out hundreds of emails every days and watch my hit counter slowly move on my blog. If I wanted more traffic, I would send out more emails until my ESP shut me down for spam mailing. These were leads I paid good money for but, these emails were considered spam.

Today, affiliate marketing has evolved. Now the tools of internet affiliate marketers are lead capture pages and Adsense. Marketers are using eBook affiliate programs to promote and not promoting Private label eBooks like before. Now many affiliate marketers may have hundreds of lead collection tools in place and thousand of webpage’s with several sites and domains cross connected to each other.

Many affiliate marketers are not selling their own content or products but using one of the many products available on digital affiliate warehouses. To become a member all you need to do to represent them is sign up with your tax, bank account or PayPal information. I personally use the same type of company to sell my eBooks that I have written. Some eBooks I sell however do a much better job of converting customers then my own site so I promote the best sellers equally to my own material.

Getting your account to produce hundred dollars a day actually is very hard at first. I believe most people fail at affiliate marketing is because they try to focus on one product instead of going after the top ten best sellers. About eighty percent of my sales come from products that I am cross promoting. I am always amazed where some of the sales come from some forgotten classified or forum URL or some other posting in my countless affiliate promotion campaign.

The real key to becoming a good affiliate marketer is to keep doing what you’re doing until you get a result. If you’re doing affiliate marketing at nights and on weekends keep doing it to you get results. Once you get a result, lead capture or whatever it is you’re trying to do, keep doing it to get more.

Slowly, your list will grow and soon you will have a great report with you mailing list if you get them much needed content and make them look forward to your mailings. Once you have a few hundred people on your list you will start to see sales every few days from your mailings. If you’re able to grow your list to a few thousand people, you will be able to make a nice decent second income from list.

I recently made a special list for just my buyers where I give them all my best web pages, mini sites, lead capture pages, videos and other useful marketing information that they can use to become successful at working their own website or home internet business. With the right tools, desire and the right information you too came make a hundred dollars a day as an affiliate marketer.

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